2018 CyberSat Summit Call for Speakers

CyberSat was launched with much fanfare and acclaim in 2017, the definitive event which fused the worlds of cybersecurity and satellite together in a completely unique event. The goal of the event was to provide a forum of how the satellite industry could guard against cyber threats. This second-year event is certain to be a must-attend event to people working on keeping the industry secure. With this in-mind, and to make 2018 even better than the last, we’re asking for you to share what you know on the topics you believe are most pertinent at CyberSat this year. Submissions must be received no later than July 31st. 


Presenting Author:
Co-Author(s): Please separate each author with a comma (,)
Paper Title:
Presentation Summary: 500 Words Maximum

Primary/Presenting Author

First Name:
Last Name:
Address 1:
Address 2:
Zip/Postal Code:

Questions about the call for presentation submission process? Please contact Jordan Feek at 301-354-1803 or jfeek@accessintel.com.

You will receive an email confirmation when your submission is received. If you do not receive an email confirmation, your submission was not received.

November 14-16, 2018 | Arlington, VA

Sheraton Pentagon City
